Since Covid-19 we now need to take specific details regarding our visitors to the villa. Please can you fill in this form which will produce the necessary Police document for us. You need to submit one for EVERYONE OVER THE AGE OF 16 and include an uploaded copy of their passport. We apologise for this quite long task but is it now a legal requirement. 

[dsm_contact_form_7 cf7_library=”395″ show_validation=”on” _builder_version=”4.14.8″ _module_preset=”default” labels_font=”|700|||||||” custom_button_one=”on” button_one_text_color=”#FFFFFF” button_one_bg_color=”#E02B20″ button_one_icon=”||divi||400″ hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″][/dsm_contact_form_7]

If the page does not refresh to enable you to add another person, click refresh button below (after submitting your form). 

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